Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Science of Getting Rich

I am incredibly grateful and amazed to have attracted this information. The Law of Attraction: Yes; it works whether we want it to or not. What is delightfully impressed on the soul is applying this to your life. I have heard individuals struggle with this knowledge; feeling overwhelmed, some saddened by the thoughts that created their lives: if what they are experiencing is not effectively bright. Move forward.... I really want every man, woman, teenager and child to know something. No one is against you and the Universe is completely on your side. It is wonderful to start from right where you are. Yes! At this very moment. This is beautiful information. And it is wonderful to seek more information. We are growth seeking. There is nothing wrong with wanting to advance, to have and be more.

There are Universal Laws that govern our Universe and we are not exempt. You are in part and whole of the Universe. Wow! Think of this for a moment; really think of this. The Universal Laws that when understood; illuminates your being and presence in this world. Nothing is to be feared. It simply is what it is and the knowing is refreshing.

What is so great about this? Applying these laws directly to your own life. It is my belief every person should know this information. It need not matter what your spiritual beliefs are; for truly there is One Infinite Intelligence in the mass of our existence. God Intelligence is the foundation in and through these Universal Laws and I affirm all will come to know and apply this truth.

The Science to Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles is truly a spiritual journey. Michael Beckwith says" It is a mandate for you to want to be rich; as God can express more in and through you." Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith understand that to have a real enriching life one must have a spiritual foundation. I am beyond impressed. I am incredibly grateful. This is answered prayer. Wow.... looking forward to writing more on this topic... Unity Believer

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